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Monday, July 25, 2011

School for Andy Progress: A Photo Narrative

**Photo Credit: Kayla Galway**

The School for Andy is well on its way! The past month has been incredibly productive.

On June 28th, we had the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the school. Many people from Buyaya attended to hear speeches from Meaningful Volunteer staff and local officials, bless the school, listen to drummers, and of course, eat delicious food and socialize.

The builders wasted no time getting started!

Bricks were already baked on site.

A trench was dug and filled within the first week

Then came the challenging part: filling the foundation with rocks… which we carried from all over the area.

There was a lot of concrete to be mixed

Which involves lugging a lot of water from the well, which is approx. a quarter mile away.

Meanwhile, we were still teaching classes! Everyone is excited to be learning in the school (instead of our crowded volunteer house porch)

Another week goes by and the walls of that school are built up….

And the school is ready for its roof!

Stay tuned! Photos of roof, windows, door, and painting still to come!

1 comment:

  1. Those are very lovely photos of the school construction. I hope for the success of this project for the kids there.
