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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Teaching Literacy to Adults is a Waste of Time

Literacy classes for Adults
Teaching literacy to adults is a waste of time.  A more constructive use of our time would be to concentrate of the youth.

Right? Right?!

Well, not according to Tumushabe Boneconcila.  After attending a Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) class and acquiring some basic business skills, her restaurant business thrived!

Now she is in the position to send all nine of her children to school.

So, by concentrating on the literacy of one African women, nine children are now going to school.

This is why Meaningful Volunteer runs adult literacy classes in Uganda.


  1. Hello, I am currently in Uganda and was wondering where you are teaching these adult literacy classes? If you have any in the south west I would be interested in offering my skills, I am TEFL qualified and have previous experience of volunteering in schools in Uganda.
    If elsewhere, never mind and keep up the good work :)

  2. We're based in Sironko, which is in the east of Uganda
